
H******** Ç********

Personal details

  • Name/SurnameH******** Ç********
  • E-mail Addressi********
  • Phone No2********
  • Mobile5********
  • Home CountryTurkey
  • ProvinceA********
  • DistrictA********
  • AddressA******** S********
  • Date of birth 15/05/2019
  • SexMan
  • Marital statusMarried
  • Military ServiceMuaf
  • Educational Level
  • NationalityTurkey
  • Driving Licence A+B
  • Disability Condition

Business knowledge

  • Position he wants to work
  • Countries You Want to WorkGermany, Belgium
  • Overseas work documents
  • Uptime
  • Requested salary0 $
  • Do you have education in the position you want to work in?
  • Do you have experience in the position you want to work in?
  • Video call
  • Requests


Uzun yıllar yazılım sektöründe çalışmış, Delphi,PHP ve Mysql üzerinde uzman yazılımcı.

Educational Background #1

01/2001 - 12/2003
Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi
Aydın Meslek Yüksek Okulu Bilgisayar Yazılım Derece: 95

Work experience #1


Certificate information #1
